Today is the first of September, and the social networking world is buzzing with a sense of anticipation and new beginnings. It's days like today I like to leave my Twitter window open and watch the virtual world go by.
For many, this Sunday morning is the day before many of us head back to school and college. I am one of those. Although this year I have a rather stressful day due to having left a lot of important work until the last minute, I often rather enjoy this very last day of my holiday. It's a day of getting everything sorted for a new academic year. The day for the sharpening of pencils and the lining up of new textbooks and files, of the choosing of the best outfit or the shining of the shoes.
For me, today is a new beginning because it's the day I begin my attempt to read the Soul Survivor Bible In One Year, which is a big task. The combination of journalling, reading, reflecting and praying will take a good 45 minute chunk out of my day, every day, and while I'm not confident I'll be able to manage it, I'm excited. The last few months have taught me to recognise that the word of the Bible is the divine truth, the absolute truth and the only truth that matters. If there's nothing and no one else I can trust on this earth, the Bible is always trustworthy. If nothing else in the world adds up, the Bible's way is my way.
Through this recognition, I've developed a thirst inside me for his word, and my prayer is that the more I learn about God and his world through Scripture, the more I will be thirsty for him and his will.
I hope to be sharing on this blog more about what I've been learning, and to link up with other Bible In One Year readers, so please hit me up if you're on this journey with me, and remember there should be an online commentary on the Soul Survivor website soon!
(If anyone wants to do Bible In One Year but hasn't got a book at the moment, I'm happy to put up the Scriptures for each day!)
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